Scorpio Love: A Poem
Scorpio, oh Scorpio
Mysterious and deep
Passionate and intense
Your love I'll always keep
From the moment I saw you
I knew you were the one
Your eyes held a fire
That burned like the sun
Your touch is electric
Sending shivers down my spine
With you by my side
Everything is just fine
Scorpio, your love is fierce
And I crave it all the more
You make me feel alive
And I couldn't ask for more
Your passion is contagious
And I am happy to be infected
You bring out the best in me
And leave me feeling protected
Scorpio, my love for you
Is like a flame that never fades
I will always be by your side
In love, we will always wade
Together we are unstoppable
With a love that never ends
Scorpio, my love for you
Is worth more than all the gems
So let us love fiercely
And embrace our passion bold
For Scorpio love is like no other
And we will『推荐更多 星座配对查询常识请关注 :梅花星座配对网,wwW.imeIHuA.cC」 never grow old.